Reduction in Toxic Effects

Water can aid in more effectively removing toxins from the body due to its increased ability to pick up, surround and isolate toxins. Scientifically, this is often referred to as the colloidal effect. This allows for more efficient removal of toxins through natural elimination and delivers more nutrients and energy at the same time. When combined, this results in better overall health by increased cellular function. The body simply has less toxic load to filter out at the same time it has cleaner more energetic water to be delivered.

Toxic effects in water and soil are notably decreased. Aerobic Bacteria thrive in oxygen-rich water, outcompeting anaerobic bacteria, leading to improved root development and growth.
Effectively Reduce Anaerobic Pathogenic Microbes to Protect Your Plants.
Healthy plants create their natural pesticides to reduce harmful invaders at the insect and microbial level, often through symbiotic relationships with mycorrhizal networks.
Critical Technical Note: The idea that water discerns ‘good and bad’ is a notion of human beings and not the notion of water. It must be understood that plants and animals send out signals indicating their state. The observed function of water is to only buffer or ‘soothe’ sudden changes and then accelerate and raise the ‘quality of that state’ according to certain chemical relationships that can be easily measured and observed but are not often understood.
- Arsenic reduction test India (toxins reduced 57%)
- Grey water test – E. Coli and total coliforms, TDS, TSS
- Pakistan certified government lab
1. Author: Johansson, Sukhotskaya
Allometric Scaling Behavior – A Quantum Dissipative
State Implies a Reduction in Thermal Infrared
Emission and Fractal Ordering in Distilled
Coherent Water
2. Author: Friedrich Hacheney
Levitated water as drinking water and as a basis for human therapy 1993 – Bradford institute study with (rots) reactive oxygen toxins fig 46,47,48; Pg. 39 Detoxification
3. Author: Igor Smirnov
Activated Water
4. Author: Benny Johansson PhD
Title: “Drinking functional coherent mineral water accompanies a strengthening of the very low frequency impact on heart rate variability, and mono and multi-fractal heart rhythm dynamics in healthy humans.”
- The Water Puzzle and Hexagonal Key – Dr. Mu Shik Jhon
- The Water Wizard – Viktor Schauberger
- Water Crystals – Andreas Schultz
- Double Helix Water – David Gann And Dr. Shui Yin Lo
- Translation of ‘Water Energetics’ – Friedrich Hacheny (In German)
- Water Codes – Dr. Carley Nuday
- Fourth Phase of Water –Dr. Gerald Pollack
NOTES: There are some ‘statements of use’ regarding Structured Water and limited testing regarding limited human trials with certain therapies as ‘structured water enhanced’ by third party articles and research. We have some testimony in this direction. The correlation needs made through testimony, because we have no sanctioned or formal study regarding human trials. Noting that functional, activated, levitated, charged water, and double helix water are all indicating structured water, and all seem to have fairly similar results in certain situations (including human trials and testimonies). Structured water is therefore created by many different methods, resulting in the same observed characteristics and technically explained in molecular formula by Exclusion Zone water. (identified by Gerald Pollack, as indicated by the presence of the compound H3O2,) indicate in more detail the behavior of structured water to potentially isolate large levels of toxins in colloidal form for simpler elimination and less body interaction. These suggestions are supported by articles and books and compared directly to Natural Action devices, this information attempts to correlate by specifying examples that were performed by our device and display similar results in testing in applications; via document and through lab work by measurement standard.