Natural Action water flow

Science Behind it

"Unlock Nature’s Flow: The Science of Water, Perfected by Natural Action."

Structured-Tap-Reverse Osmosis-Distilled-Bottled-Alkaline-Ionizer Machine explained

Here is the question we are asked the most,  "There are so many types of water, what are the differences and how do I find the best one to drink?" Of course, Water revitalization is one of the most crucial factors in the overall health and vitality of your drinking water. And structured water also absorbs into your body much more readily and gives you far deeper intracellular hydration. But there is so much to learn!

Let's dive in!

Diving into Natural Action

Alkaline Water/Ionizer Machines

Everyone wants to know about these alkalizing ionizers and the supposedly healing water that they produce. But I'm here to burst some bubbles. Because alkaline water can either be beneficial or not, depending on what makes it alkaline. Usually alkaline water from one of these machines or in water bottles from the store is just reverse osmosis tap water that's been alkalized through an electrolysis process. In nature, water is fairly neutral or even just slightly acidic. The only extremely highly alkaline water anywhere in nature is alkaline because of the ionic minerals it contains, not because it's been electrocuted to separate the hydrogen, as is the case with these machines.

And remember, what we do to water, we do to ourselves so electrocuting your water is probably not a good idea. We didn't adapt over the millennia to drink that. Your blood is meant to be very neutral, and depending on what your blood type is, like if you have blood type O, for example, even just slightly acidic. If you expose your body to these really harsh and overly alkalizing waters over the long term, it can have a really damaging effect. 

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Reverse Osmosis and Distilled Water

Now we move on to the next most common type of water that folks drink, which is reverse osmosis and distilled water. And often people get these in the form of purified bottled water, or they may bring jugs to the local grocery store and fill up big five-gallon carboys or have filters at home. So how does this water affect us? Well, first let's back up a bit and talk about water itself in nature.

Water in nature is never just H2O. It has tons of minerals and ions dissolved into it, potassium ions, magnesium ions, sodium ions, plus different microorganisms. And these all make water a complete and well-rounded being. This is known as the TDS of the water, total dissolved solids. If you have a really low TDS reading, a lot of you who might have wells might be familiar with this terminology.

That's a really soft water. And that's a pretty good daily drinking water. On the other hand, if you have a really high TDS reading, that's kind of a hard water. Maybe more like a mineral water or hot springs water. And that's more of a medicinal water, probably not your everyday hydration. But if you're sick, it can be good to drink. So back to distillation and reverse osmosis. Distillation is a process where water is heated to the point where it vaporizes and becomes steam. And at that point, all of the minerals are left behind. It's an extremely purified, extremely refined, highly processed kind of water that's just pure H2O. Now, what's good about this is it scrambles the molecules and clears the water of whatever toxic memory it might have.

You want to be really careful about water like this. Because it's just pure H2O, distilled and RO water is not a conductor. It's an insulator. If it doesn't have electrolytes, in there, it's an insulator. If anyone's like, oh, I don't believe in this hocus pocus water magic, reverse osmosis water, it's just as good as any other kind of water. Well, no, it's not even electrically conductive. If it's triggering to think of water as being alive and having a life force vitality to it, just think of it in terms of having an electrical ionic charge and having living microorganisms in there. Different language, but basically the same thing.  We need our water to be electrically charged and have this ionic function, like water in nature.

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Bottled Water

Let's start with the obvious, plastic. I'm sure a lot of us are already aware of the dangers of plastic, so I don't want to beleaguer the topic. But I do just want to say that water is a solvent. It dissolves things into it. So of course it's going to do the same with plastic. Now plastic is a xenoestrogen, aka a compound that artificially mimics endogenous estrogen within our bodies, massively disrupting the endocrine system. And your endocrine system is sensitive in parts per billion. It's sensitive to the most minute shifts in the atmosphere. But the amount of plastic in water is much larger than parts per billion. In fact, one team of researchers found that people who drink only bottled water might swallow 90,000 particles of microplastics in their water each year.

A lot of companies are doing what's called a hot fill. Fiji and several other companies, for example, are blatantly disregarding common standard practice for plastic production. So usually when you pour plastic, it goes into a mold hot, and then you let it sit in a warehouse for anywhere from a few months to a few years in order to finish off-gassing, depending on what kind of plastic it is. But what a lot of these companies are doing to save time and money is they'll pour it into the plastic bottle, and then they'll pour the water right into it immediately while it's still hot, so there's no time for the plastic to off-gas. It just off-gases into the water. And the industry term for this, again, is a hot fill, and it's clearly disgusting.

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Tap Water

We know that water is H2O, right? But when we start adding a bunch of other things to it, it's no longer just H2O. It could be H2O, PNA, CH, etc. It becomes this chemical cocktail pouring out of the tap. And then it's not tap water at that point, it's tap liquid. Let's first discuss what we might find pouring out of a typical tap because most Americans drink tap liquid on the daily. The largest additive is chlorine. Now, chlorine is a biocide, meaning it acts as an antibiotic, so it kills things off.

And it's good to have that in pipes that transport the water because we don't want bacteria to build up, but unfortunately it does the same thing in our bodies. You can sort of think of your body as like an inside-out tree whose roots we've adapted to carry with us in our stomach as the microvilli that grow into the soil of our intestines. and they're alive. And we've got all kinds of microbiota, or tiny organisms, and microflora, or tiny plants, coming together to create this entire ecosystem that is our bodies. Microbes inhabiting your body are more numerous than stars in the known universe. And bacteria outnumber human cells. In fact, microbes outnumber your own cells within your body 1.3 to 1. You have more other living organisms within you than you have your own cells.

And beyond that, viruses outnumber bacteria, and microbial genes outnumber human genes. There are more than 5,000 species of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses, and a new species is discovered with every six people that's tested. When you subject your body to water with chlorine, you're actually creating a little mini genocide every time and really harming that ecosystem. But in addition to just drinking it through the digestive tract, whenever we shower or bathe, we're also absorbing it through our skin, too. We absorb from 0.5 to 1.5 liters when we soak in the tub. And when we shower and volatilize that water into steam, we're breathing it through our lungs. Now get this. Chlorine creates trihalomethanes, which means that when it volatilizes, it becomes chloroform gas.

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Structure to Revitalize Your Water

Portable Natural Action with vortex

What is structured water? Well, a lot like a quartz crystal, whose silicon dioxide molecules join together to form a matrix, water's hydrogen dioxide molecules can also join together in hexagonally structured matrices, but unlike quartz, the matrices are flexible and they move independently because they're not glued together by the protons. And the majority of water in your body is structured water. In fact, as biophysicist Dr. Mei-Wan Ho discovered, when water is structured, it behaves with a principle of quantum coherence, which allows it to communicate over vast distances instantaneously faster than the speed of light. Now, comparing it to a computer makes it sound regrettably like an inanimate object, but in a way it is similar. It's not an exact analogy, but you can think of it, you can think of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms as being kind of like the ones in zeros in a computer program that allows information to be stored and transmitted. Absolutely every piece of computer data in the world, the whole internet, every cat picture in existence is just made of ones and zeros arranged in a particular way. And all of the water in the world is just hydrogen and oxygen, and it carries the entire memory of the entire history of the universe.

Now, of course, we all know that quartz is used in electronics like watches and computers because of its ability to store and transmit information via PSO electric energy, which acts as a stabilizing and oscillating resonator, but what you might not realize is that, just like water, quartz crystals are also arranged in a hexagonal lattice. And while water is H2O, dihydrogen oxide, quartz is SiO2, silicon dioxide, they're similar in so many ways. 

When we talk about structured water, you can think of it as being kind of like a quartz crystal. And this is why Dr. Roy calls water the world's most malleable computer. And the majority of water in pristine nature is also somewhat because in nature, the spiral motion of rivers and streams and springs and the geomagnetic influences of aquifers, etc., keep these matrices intact. But unfortunately, due to rerouted riverways and pollution, wild waterways in nature are no longer as crystalline as they once were, because water loses its structure when it becomes stagnant, heated, polluted, treated with chemicals, put through filters or pressurized pipes, or forced to flow in straight lines or right angles. So that's water structure basics 101. Now let's dive a little bit deeper.

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Filter Your Water the Natural Way

Natural Action and Multipure filter sink

The first step for water from your home plumbing is filtration. Whether for cooking, bathing, or even just watering your plants, filtration is key. After all, if you don't get a filter, you'll become the filter. Now there are so many methods of filtration, all of which have their unique benefits and drawbacks. Overall, I recommend carbon filters. You can find really great ones on the Natural Action website. So how does nature filter water? When uplifting and ennobling water, what we're really doing is bringing her back to her natural state.

We want to mimic nature as much as possible to recreate naturally whole, healthy, balanced water. Let's take a look at how nature filters and purifies water. Think about the hydrological cycle. As water seeps through the ground, this can take thousands of years for water on the surface to reach the deep aquifers in some cases. And the first thing that water encounters when it falls from the sky is the atmosphere, which pulls off a lot of the pollution and then it hits the ground where it's cleaned up by the soil, microbes, roots, funguses, etc. Then about 60 feet of sand, which filters larger particulates. Then it reaches a layer of clay, which of course is detoxifying. That's why we use bentonite clay for cleansing our intestines and clay masks to clean our faces, etc., That's why geophagy is such a healing practice. After the clay, water comes to carbon deposits. And again, we know that carbon detoxifies. That's why we like to use carbon in water filters. Then it's stored in a dark, cold aquifer or underground lake for sometimes thousands of years in the womb of the Earth as the planet's own internal bloodstream, nourished by the geomagnetic influences of rock formations. That's the underground hydrological cycle. There's also a hydrological cycle that takes place above ground to filter structure and balance water. Wetlands, in particular, are key to the Earth's filtration process. Between the filtration processes of wetlands, forests, geological filtration, evaporation and condensation, not to mention the filtration that happens from volcanic plumes deep on the ocean floor, we can learn a lot from nature about how to structure our own filtration systems for drinking water at home.

Natural Action Structured water spinning

So how can we mimic nature in creating an ideal water filtration process? How can you filter water yourself? Well, again, my best advice is to forgo the need for filtration altogether by harvesting your own raw, wild, unprocessed water directly from a spring. But insofar as we sometimes have to drink tap liquid and usually need to shower in it, I strongly recommend investing and a high quality filter. A good filter can last a lifetime. And having high quality water is the most foundational aspect of health. It's really not something to scrimp on. You're worth the investment. You and your family deserve the best liquid source of life. And as with everything regarding water, we want to mimic nature.

Nature uses carbon deposits as well as soil and other mineral filtration in the earth so carbon block filters are a great option. In particular, you can check out the carbon block filters on the Natural Action website.  Now that's it for filtration. Hopefully now you have a bit more of a well-rounded understanding of the factors and methods at play when it comes to removing harmful junk from your water. But remember, water quality is much more than just the quantity of how much parts per million of XYZ is present. Water quality is almost more important, or what quality of structure and vibration does the water have, and what information has it absorbed.

A quick disclaimer. We are not a doctors, though all of this information does come directly from doctors, scientists, and researchers. This is not medical advice, and you should always talk to your healthcare provider about any health concerns that you might have.