Veda Austin

Veda Austin

Veda Austin is a New Zealand water researcher, author, artist and mother of three. She is of part Maori descent, and her tribe affiliation is Tainui. Her father is famous Maori fisherman, Bill Hohepa, well known for his TV shows, fishing videos and Maori fishing calendar. It seems that a passion for all things water runs through the family.

Professionally, Veda works as a water researcher establishing the characteristics of 'healthy' water. Her methods go well beyond a typical lab report which mostly provide evidence of what's IN water, but reveal no information of the actual Water itself.

Veda discovered that there are clearly defined recurring patterns in ice that define spring water from tap water and healthy water from sick water. She has recorded hundreds of examples, and her groundbreaking discoveries are fast becoming a hot topic within the new science of water.

She has spent nearly a decade photographing water in a ‘state of creation’, the state between liquid and ice. Scientifically, water is becoming a liquid crystal, artistically, water is free to design. From a spiritual level, water enters a phase of fluidity between space and time, and is in a place of ‘becoming’.

Her technique captures macroscopic photos of water 'responding' to a variety of influences within a crystallographic medium. This communion with Water is evident in her latest book, ‘The Secret Intelligence of Water.’

Take a look at her website to see more beautiful photos!