Dr. Zach Bush, MD
WT discovered Dr. Zach Bush, triple board certified physician who stressed the importance of hydration to the health and wealth of our civilization. "We are not solid creatures. We are a tiny bit of matter organized by an energetic force. In the human body that organization is managed by the water molecule." As the United Nations has decreed, water is basic human right.
Water is H2O. That is the indisputable chemical expression of a single molecule of water. However it is not the expression of water molecules linked together.
Dr. Gerald Pollack, bio-engineer and water scientist identified H3O2, what he identified as exclusion zone or EZ water. "It is nothing short of water's own specializing purifying stage. Water has the capacity to cleanse itself." In this exclusionary zone Dr. Pollack saw how molecules linked up over time and space. Together they became more tightly knit, not yet stationary ice crystals yet still fluid. Plants range easily between 80-98% water in composition. "The science (now that we know how to look for it) is that the water locked in plants is H3O2."
Jonathan Butts One More Expert
One more expert drifted into the conversation on the topic of this Fourth Stage of Water. Johnathan Butts, whose work with technology involving water and hydrogen led him to observe "everything we have conceived and achieved with computer advancements are a fraction of the capabilities, which already exist in water." Butts views water as having 6 stages. "Water, vapor, and solid plus 3 allotropes, which are the structured versions of the 3 phases." In his view the "gel" (Pollack's Fourth Stage) comes into being from the unfolding of protein, the substance that is in a high concentration of water.
"Nobody really knows what water is in its entirety. It is more like a super crystal and we have not even begun to tap into its potentials." He also described another phenomenon that has been observed by quantum physicists. "Water is morphogenetic in nature," he told WT. "Water can act as a receiver and a transmitter of vibrations both within a short range and a long range. It has the recipe to physically go to work and balance things. It's aware of everything in all its vibrations and if something is out of place, it encourages a shift." Butts gave the example of a cup of water in a forest. That water is aware of the vibrations from the trees and the wildlife passing by as well as the vibrations from the outer cosmos. It is constantly processing and computing this information and prioritizing what is in its best interest for balance. It allows all the vibrations to exist but shifts its frequency to allow only for those vibrations that are in harmony. We can either support that or interfere with it. "When water is exposed to too much stress it gets locked into a pattern," he continued. "In its natural state, water flows. It turns to the left and right. There are no right angles in nature as we have in water plants. In cities, water is trapped in straight lines and right angled turns. These 90 degree patterns are unnatural and place water under stress."
"We can remove that stress, return the water to what it was by mimicking what happens in nature, by introducing the same kind of vortexing that occurs when water flows over rocks." Dr. Bush views agricultural practices as the first step in de-stressing water. Butts agrees. "Monoculture crops and over-fertilization have not only disrupted the microbial balance in our soils but have also contaminated our waters." Butts estimates it would take 3-5 years for the soil to regenerate if it were not farmed during that time and it was allowed to take on the kind of structured water that occurs naturally. "That would give the microbiome enough time to get rid of the chemicals in the soil and re-populate.
Conclusion The Spectrum of Water
"Water," as stated on the United Nations website, "is at the core of sustainable development and is critical for social-economic developments, energy and food production, healthy ecosystems and for human survival itself. Water is also at the heart of adaptation to climate change, serving as the crucial link between the society and the environment." "Water," Jonathan Butts sums up, "is designed to be the bridge of relationships." We will let that sink in.