Mr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese researcher who wrote the book “The Hidden Messages in Water.”
Mr. Emoto’s work provides factual evidence that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, along with sound affect the molecular structure of water. He has been documenting these molecular changes in water using his photographic techniques. He freezes droplets of water then examines them under a dark field microscope that has photographic capabilities. His work clearly demonstrates the diversity of the molecular structure of water and the effect of the environment upon the structure.
Pure water creates beautiful, hexagonal forms while polluted water looks muddy. To see what effects music had upon the structure of water, Emoto placed distilled water between two speakers for several hours while playing music and photographed the crystals that formed after the water was frozen. The results speak for themselves.
To test how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled water crystals, he typed words onto paper and taped them on glass bottles overnight.
How are you treating your water? Explore the changes you can bring about in your own life with kind and loving words and thoughts on your water journey.
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