The structures are hundreds of microns or more in size and have the characteristics of soft matter; they bring quantum electrodynamics into the study of water, cell biology and medicine Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Stable structured water is here. And it is best explained in terms of quantum electrodynamics field theory as pioneered by recently deceased Emilio del Giudice and his team. Emilio was the most brilliant, original, and best loved scientist of our time. Solid structures tens of nanometres to millimetres in dimensions can now be seen under the transmission electron microscope (TEM) and the atomic force microscope (AFM), the most sophisticated in imaging techniques.
All it takes is to allow drops of specially prepared water to dry at room temperature and pressure. Shui-Yin Lo, Head of Quantum Health Research Institute Pasadena, California, showed us numerous images at World Water Day Conference during our Colours of Water festival.
The structures consist of clusters containing millions to billions of water molecules, and come in a profuse variety of shapes and sizes They are flexible, and can be deformed by the tips of the atomic force microscope probe if scanned in the contact mode. Otherwise, the structures remain stable for weeks, even months, at ordinary room temperature and pressure. They have all the characteristics of ‘soft matter’- liquids, liquid crystals, colloids, polymers, gels, and foams - that form mesoscopic structures much larger than the molecules themselves, but small compared with the bulk material.