Chapter 3:  The sixth Phase of Water

Chapter 3:  The sixth Phase of Water

By Jonathan Butts

You would think that I had discovered the Holy Grail or something. But deep down inside, I knew I was looking at what had been viewed many times by many a person past; the simplicity be too great to be overlooked for a relative eternity. However the truth, the world has clearly proceeded with peak levels of complications and analytics. Not so much to understand, but moreover what is: The energies of the cycles we are subject to. It is complexity that moves away from the truth, and simplicity who arrives near it.

Of course it is obvious that the energies of fire; the process of burning, are analyzing currents of nature. Often triggered in nature by two distinctly different qualities; fire in the intense finite by lightning itself; and lava from the deep blood of the earth. Two forms of heat source which cause the carbon layers we live in to be refined with little or no resistance and make the normal fire we commonly see: The flame is errant and struggling to interact with its own demise; dependent on the air for it to breathe, clumsily rising and consuming its feed while attempting to spin, until it is reduced to embers and galvanized by salts. All the more the flame is a sign of an incomplete burn. A lower order of combustion, and great evidence to Schauberger’s statements regarding oxygen and its different states of behavior as applied to simple universal mechanics. Perhaps this is the most significant intrigue of all the stories of observation.

Schauberger proposed oxygen and hydrogen each had two distinct reactive and responsive states. (In my opinion all elements do.) Water displays a much greater exchange in these states than all other elements. That is: Hydrogen and Oxygen can be either rising or falling; or another way to put it; heading towards center or away from center. And either can be centering. More centering or less centering and no longer centering. This no doubt would account for the different states of water we can sometimes witness.

And this brings us to the plasma state. This evolved reaction which now calms to a highly efficient reaction operating at its own near equilibrium. And so the observation of the water plasma is some level of blend between the plasma (white – blue light) electrical strike normally associated with male energies in form, color and characteristic, and the tumultuous orange and red fury of the latter. Mixing these two together appropriately could be akin to watching matter have sex, and eventually we must assume it will conjure up something new.

At this point, it was all play. Although hooking up leads and monitors had been in the works, interest in the noticeable decay of this ‘water reaction’ took the major interest. Later I would realize it was more of a response. Some days it would display the crisp and sharp luminous and cold Flazer for longer periods than others, depending on what was interacting with it. But in the end, it always ran out of juice and became stuck in its recessing state. Like a flame. More on that later.

For now it is worth noting that certain individuals in the Brown’s Gas community had well documented the properties of the water plasma. Unfortunately they gave no credit to water, and perhaps were to shy to realize it. Yull Brown and many others before and after him had bore witness to this magical substance. Perhaps it is only our ego, and analyzing energies, (the desire to break apart and name or identify everything in part, or after ourselves in this particular case) that blind us from the simplicity. Or perhaps great agencies guarding these energies were manipulated by the Universe to allow the scenes to play out in the grand movie and orchestra, in which we all play a role.

However appropriate, the age of Aquarius coming in, pole shift stories, and asymmetrical orbital stars comprising our solar system, along with Ron Paul exposing the fake monetary system on national mainstream TV, meant change I was happy to view in my little laboratory; my virgin eyes setting cast to this new mixture just as if a human witnessed lightning or a volcano for the first time. However its subtleties, the water plasma flazer is more powerful than either of them pound for pound; and goes about its purpose and function with amazing grace.

I must admit I became obsessed in an extreme manner, observing this thing like the ‘mono-lithe’ in Cooper’s “2001: A Space Odyssey”. (I recommend Manley P. Hall’s speech on Obsession and Possession at this point; and that will help understand the bigger picture as this story moves along.) My life had always alternated between machines and nature. I was always obsessed with one or the other and it took me a while to see they were both always present, one in form, and the other in principle and visa-versa.

It would be fair to give a description of some interactions with the water plasma and its basic functions before the rest of the stories. Since I described it over the phone to a physicist for many months as he described another form of gas from water with totally different properties – (and we both thought we were talking about the same thing), I’ll do my best; but don’t expect much. Words have a loss over presence. A side note: The Physicist and myself were born on the same date, but it took us a while to figure out as the U.S and Europe transpose the month and date. 11-9 and 9-11 in this case. Hmmm.

Fascination can be witnessed in the simple fact that this reaction is primarily isotropic when holding some relativity. That is: Heat and cold are relative terms in relation to our perception; but really just mean rising or falling from a center. In other words, magnetism or electricism. Unfortunately by definition, these words don’t come with the Universal Principles of motion.

Magnetism has been associated with attraction, which is the opposite of radiation. If it were understood that the motion defines the word, we perhaps may not allow words to be commandeered by things. So be it. When magnetism and electricism (that which moves inward and outward) are in relative balance, both are going on to an observable degree. In this condition, the torroid, spin and vortices are present, and can exhibit multiple forms based on the same foundational structure. In this case, the term ‘electrostatic’ arises, and as Tesla mentions, ‘is far from static’, though he believed proper nomenclature would rectify this confusion in the future. Schauberger would say; “Motion in and about and around itself.” Complimenting the description of Universal Motion.


The water plasma gas generated (from whatever form of vibrations properly arranged and applied to a body of water suspended in a specific container, which could be an atmosphere) from liquid water and just needs to maintain a slight forward pressure in relation to the nozzle ID and shape. It can be generated by sound, gravity, beta radiation (electrons or "current flow"), magnetism, voltage, light, or mixtures of all of them. Its pretty much like any other flammable gas in that sense, except it will tend to implode and then explode if not just the former. However, if the implosion does not possess spin, more than likely an explosion then follows. Spin is derived from ‘enough of the proper resistance’. So if we want an electro-magnetic system to spin, it requires resistance to be efficient and or sustained for any period. Not unlike a liquid vortex, tornado or cyclone.


Liquid water is infused with vibration, turned into a vapor, which is exhausted under its own pressure through resistance via a hose and nozzle, and is ignited by flame or spark with much greater resistance than most combustible fuels. It then maintains a ‘beam-like’ flame. I will use the term vibration in place of energy for the sake of keeping it simple. There is however no doubt; the two are entirely interchangeable. It is a good time to mention, that the science of words and science itself mingle in the fact that their conclusions are often ‘many words that describe a word in which the meaning is often more confusing than the original word’; In other words; breathing out, radiation, magnetism, and ultimately complicating or analyzing all mean the same thing to different degrees. Such is the case with ‘new discovery.’ Science does this by writing papers and books, and in the end, there is more we don’t know. Plasma for instance, often considered to be the “fourth phase of matter.”

The definition of plasma most recent:

Plasma: an ionized gas consisting of positive ions and free electrons (what happened to opposites attract?) in proportions resulting in more or less (more or less? LOL!) no overall electric charge (consists of positive ions and free electrons; LOL!), typically at low pressures or at very high temperatures (as in stars and nuclear fusion reactors). (Did they just admit there are nuclear fusion reactors?) We can break this ‘definition’ down more later ….

Another interesting note is that: All things are chemical, nuclear, and electrical, because that is what matter is made of. No wonder we are all confused. Krishnamurti comes to mind. I once gave a friend a book called the Tao of Physics, first given to me by my father. I never considered him a philosophical guy, but now I beg to differ. When I asked him what he got out of the book, he simply replied, “The moment you speak words you are *&^%$d.” Now what type of plasma I say. Maybe getting to know one will help us understand the plasma better than formerly described. For now I will say that it is: matter in transition, and therefore a little blurry to those who try and pin it down. It is also worth asking what exactly water is doing in the latent zone where it absorbs energy but does not gain temperature. Though we all were all taught this principle of latency, little of us went on to ask the question. I believe it was addressed well in the book “Radio Chemistry” in the 1930’s from the “Royal Academy of London Cancer Institute”. More on that later.


Igniting the plasma

There is a relationship between the nozzle orifice size and the substance in ranging and velocity. The smaller the orifice and less pressure (the two are mutual) making the truest form in my eyes, however impractical for commercial applications in it was born for. Too much pressure (velocity) for the condition and will easily blow out or will not even ignite. I have witnessed the plasma gas resist ignition in the direct presence of a lighter flame, no doubt which obvious by the previous description of the experiment in hybridizing with propane in chapter 2. This leads to limitations in nozzle and total flow applications, but less important for now.

This substance more or less gets worse (or less plasma like) as it heats up. And when we say ‘warms or heats up’ that is relative, but moreover means filled with a higher degree of disorder. This is mostly because of current science programs us with disorder, or whole society for that matter. Simply because that is, or was the theme, which is now ending. There is no need to pander to it anymore, even though the inception and healing may be difficult for a time from within. So is the journey. Its funny to the trained mind to begin to think of making power with cold, rather than heat. But again, its all about relativity and perception, and understanding the purpose of resistance and how to use it.

However, ‘how the whole system behaves’ has little to do with how the Flazer is behaving until it hits a threshold, which is very definable while operating and always occurs with large, small, circulating, or non-circulating systems; when over charged or over taxed. In other words, there is a great deal of latency present in the water regarding energy, much like a spring being compressed, or moreover a screw like principle, where the fastener tightens suddenly. Both analogies are fitting depending on the rate of energy insertion and conditioning of the water. (I like to use the word train or teach, and water has this ability in greater appearance than most all other substance.) However interesting, this occurs when the DC Delta voltage stops dropping, (like the spring has been fully compressed or the fastener tightened) but we will stay focused on the illuminated and ignited gas at this point. We may insert the vortex as analogous to the spring and screw at this point. In order to catch a fish, you have to be the fish. Remember, most living things are made of water, and we are observing a luminous state of water, which better explains the properties within water, many of which are latent. As Walter Russel stated, 'Nature is very selfish with her secrets and who she shares them with.'

  1. The Water Flazer is about 200-270F according to an IR gun (only if you shoot it directly) into the flame and varies slightly depending on charge method or state of energy input, or perhaps the precision of the instrument. Normal insertion devices such as thermo-couples are destroyed when inserted into the beam of water. It seems we have a Schrodinger's cat situation going on to a degree.

(You can put your hand right next to it, and there is no heat emissions) but the moment you touch it, you can feel the heat instantly (and the Flazer turns from blue to orange).

  1. Unless, mechanically forced by pressure, it will automatically rise to the ‘latent phase change’ temperature of the substance placed before it: Also, the higher the melting or vapor point the faster it reacts, generally. If resistance is high enough the target substance will vaporize. Such is the case in tungsten, commonly used in original light bulbs as a filament.

Reactions speeds are listed below to phase alteration from slowest to quickest. The speed seems to be a combination of resistance and capacity, since the properties change when their phases change, this becomes more of an art.

  1. Aluminum ~1200
  2. Steel ~2800
  3. Carbon ~5000 (fast to melt, fast to vapor if fully targeted within the plasma)
  4. Tungsten ~10,000 (slow to melt, fast to vapor)
  • It will take any ordinary mineral rock natural or non and turn it into a very shiny and beautiful piece of art work, while producing a crystal almost as hard as a diamond (~9.5).
  • It will drill a hole through any rock, brick, piece of wood (which forms a vortex), or at least makes a vortex that is already there luminous or visible.
  • It will reduce or incinerate in a low pressure, open furnace, almost any substance without particulate smoke. (plastics, rubbers, (especially synthetics), woods, fibers etc.)
  • It makes sounds that cannot be heard by the ear, but are sensed by crystal microphones
  • It is primarily implosive, but can explode also (more on this)
  • It can form and contain a laser (trap light)
  • It can be breathed as a source of oxygen
  • It starts as water, changes to a wet vapor, and ends as water after the reaction, or condensation
  • Its volume is greater than steam
  • It is heavier than air
  • Any introduction of oxygen slows down its ability to interact as normal

Efficient combustion relies on the following.

  1. Spin and Tumble (in and about and around oneself)
  2. The proper mixture and stoichiometry of fuel and air
  3. Atomization of the liquid fuel

All three work together.

Good for now.