About Quality Water Part 2

About Quality Water Part 2

By Jonathan Butts 

Water Quality has both objective and subjective aspects.


It is generally accepted that objective water quality deals with the limitation of physical substance which may be considered harmful, or at least not useful to ingest. A wide variety of Brand and Governmental standards are set up worldwide and always changing.

This aspect typically deals with the ability to separate constituents from the water and can consist of many methods such as mechanical trapping, reverse osmosis, boiling, centripidation,centrifugation, ion exchange, and others. As far as filtration goes, we recommend high-quality Carbon Block Filters, which are very different from standard off the shelf filters.


Subjective Water Quality can include objective factors, but generally deals with the overall subject of quality. This can include measurements such as PH, conductivity, ORP, Oxygen levels, turbidity, etc. To date, there is not worldwide accepted ‘methods of standard’ for subjective or overall water quality. Arguably by opinion, Crystal Microscopy fashioned by Andreas Schultz may be the best foundational pre-cursor we have seen to date. Along with other objective methods, we believe an excellent functional water assessment can be predicted, depending on the application.

In addition, there are passive forms of water treatment such as UV radiation, ‘structuring’, (which may be induced by magnets, piezo electric effects, vortexing, and other means.) These primarily fall under the subjective category and can include a number of objective factors. Some of the objective factors are measurements made by both complex and simple means to determine the changes in the water. Their repeatability is the most important factor in consideration to the objectivity, which assists in the overall subjective understanding.

All in all, what initially seems fairly simple, is quite a complex subject. However, there are ways to simplify. Many conventional technologies that are well known and developed have good objective test methods which allow for objective assessments. However, this does not guarantee any performance when installed into a complex system. In the field of water revitalization, there are some objective and subjective methods that are repeatable.

Everything is up for debate, including the sub-atomic physics of electrodynamics itself. Until that is clearly sorted, it is likely no clear-cut understanding at a scientific level can be achieved, in assessing water quality. Applications testing and observed results, with a mixture of repeatable systematic behavior, combined with a systems (holistic) approach will likely be the most productive level of assessment. Structured Water is not going to go away, simply because it is water before excessive processing or contamination.


Water revitalization could be comprised of any or all of the aforementioned methods suggested to raise the quality of water, but generally involves flow forms, magnets or other form of passive water treatment. Because water is considered by many a ‘fluid crystal’ and able to store information, it is not generally understood whether this information is helpful or not and to what degree. Many things have an ‘upside’ and a ‘downside’. It is each person’s responsibility to consider for themselves using all the available information. Revitalization is particularly observed as ‘bringing “life force” back into water’, and the common sense that biology cannot survive without water. There is strong correlative evidence that this “life force” deteriorates in water due to excessive entropy, which is caused by short cycling and over processing by pressure, heat, radiation, noise, synthetic chemicals, etc. Many teachings current and past, consider its neglect by science as a cardinal error in modern scientific practices.

* Functional Water – Water that is considered to create a positive biological response from a particular type of water and application. Benny Johansson is very thorough on the topic and produces much research.
* Structured Water – is an ambiguous term widely used in marketing today that implies functional water, but there is no current and widely accepted verification for the term, and likely the term is much too vague to be utilized in an objective manner.
* Hexagonal Water – Is a term which was used in the East, which originated from Mu Shik Jhon and others’ NMR work with liquid water, identifying the number (%) of ring structures between 6 and 3, and some pathological functions of the water and biology. It too implies functional water and water structure changes, mostly referring to electromagnetic interactions and their passive alterations of water. Hexagonal water is only a portion of the total water structure as measured by specific NMR methods. Therefore it is not an all-inclusive term to describe the water wholly.
* Activated Water – Is a term used by some to describe functional water, generally dealing with NMR work discussing proton spin and arrangement as the primary cause for the change in structure and behavior of the water. Generally associated with basic and specific electrolysis methods.
* EZ Water – Is a term coined by Gerald Pollack describing surface charge interaction between hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances with relative property changes in the water. Simply put, it describes an increased polarization of the water to a greater degree than expected or predicted.
* Charged water – (Apart from conventional electrical engineering “charge”, which is widely ambiguous except in specifically defined situations, and the underlying physics) implies functional water with an increase in ‘broad energy’ terms or decreased biological load after consumption. This term is ambiguous to all scientific art forms.
* Double Helix Water – is a term that originated from the recent discovery of soft solid H20 particles in water at room temperature under the AFM (atomic force microscope) from extreme dilutions which cause electrical charge collapses (inward integrating motion) and is the same principle believed to be responsible for many water revitalization devices. The phrase came from some images captured of a double helix like soft solid shape the water formed. The water also forms many other solid shapes at room temperature. Perhaps one if the greatest discoveries of the century, once corroborated and given more time to mature. Become a member to learn more and gain access to past webinars.
* Mineral Enhanced Water – is a well-known variable in water that can have many different effects. There are also very good objective analyses and performance indicators available through conventional laboratory work, due to dealing with physical substances and their chemical reactions. Whether they cause revitalization and make functional water requires some assessment.

Common Sense 

It is likely water, nor the secrets of nature or the universe will ever be fully dispelled. However, utilizing all methods of observation and practical application, technologies are used and developed over time long before science has a definitive explanation in which everyone agrees upon. This is the truth of the vast majority of
history and the manifest of technologies. The system must be formed around the observation; the current defined system cannot be the basis for observation.

Water can be considered an important and dominant element on earth by weight and volume, and while our understanding of the finite units of matter and its subdivisions continue to debate, we can treat water and the bodies and planet it resides in and on with more reverence.

We can honor integrating motion as different the separating motion and implore it, along with other attributes which enhance it.

Filtration, revitalization, and mineral enhancement are measurable both objectively and subjectively and are all very important factors in creating functional water. Filters should be used where felt necessary, and high-quality filtration should be used. Objectivity should be provided and weighed by filter producers. The NSF has a good set of standards all filter companies can be compared by. Good quality filtration should leave trace minerals in the water, while removing items of concern, as much as possible.

It also should be recognized that the specific structure of trace elements within the water may possess different degrees of quality, based on how they were processed and their differentiating constituents. Water revitalization can be objectively and subjectively measured by various means and in culmination may be used to verify changes in the water which qualify it as a form of functional water.

There are many ways and many claims in regard to these methods. The following methods have been cited and corroborated to a significant degree worth mentioning.

* UV Absorption: non-visible range: increased absorption indicates change in structure
* High Sensitivity Thermal Imaging: Increased polarization of temperature gradients indicate change in macro observations
* Crystal Microscopy Analysis: Right angles vs. Radial angles in dendritic crystal growth indicate change in water quality by repeatable correlation
* Atomic Force Microscopy: Soft solid structures of H20 at room temperature indicate structure and phase change
* Gas Discharge Visual: Analysis of di-electric suppression imaging at high voltages indicate change in electrical behavior of water
* Mineral Enhancements can vary widely by constituents. Their performance can be measured by objective laboratory work in certain facets.
* Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Proton bandwidth, spin state, relaxation times indicate a change in structure


It is ultimately the responsibility of the user to subjectively assess the application and decide its worth and benefit. Proof and its requirements go both ways, especially in the sense of passive technologies where nothing ‘material’ initially changes, and ultimately requires the same measure of observation, repeatability, accuracy and precision, and corroboration to rule it out.

Often in any application, the control variables required end up removing objectivity of the natural environment intended. (by removing the subject all together)

Natural Action intends to provide simple solutions through the observation and copy of nature, often referred to as biomimicry. In combination with many years of practical application based on these principles, we know that filtration, water revitalization, and mineral enhancements all are capable of producing functional water.

Functional water must be determined by application and may not be the same for all applications. Qualifications for functional water using varying aspects of known positive biological response are unique. For example: If a wide variety and number of plants are tested with a specifically defined method of water modulation and show positive growth and brix factors, the water could be considered functional for agriculture use. The same water could be applied to a human being and show no positive bio-logical response in the scope of the study.

Functional Water is then application specific. Until more studies are conducted and a more universal approach is understood in depth, the applications fall into specific categories.

It is our intent to make these and other products available to our customers for the purpose of raising quality of life on the planet.

We offer a 90-day satisfaction guarantee on our ‘Structured Water Units' and know that our customers realize a difference. It’s as simple as installing a shower unit and noticing the change in feel of the water or the change in the amount of mold that grows in the shower. Our satisfaction history is greater than 99%@100,000+ units sold, and that is the only objectivity that really matters to us.

We are also proud to announce representation for MultiPure Filters. We strongly believe when combined with our SW devices, this combination produces highly functional water.

As far as everyday use water is concerned, we believe that the most natural methods of structuring are the best in the long run over electrical or magnetic processes. This means utilizing the subtle effects of flow vortices and subtle piezo electric effects of materials.

Follow along, as science attempts to uncover the mysteries within water and the universe itself. As that story unfolds, we will continue to deliver.